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Hi, I’m River.

I am a survivor of human torture trafficking of 44 & 1/2 years. My biological parents were traffickers of children in a specialized global organization and I began that life at just 11 months of age. I spent my childhood days as a trafficking slave in a hole in the wall.  At age 21, after two failed attempts of escape, I fled to what I thought was a new life with a support group for lost souls, only to find out it was an adult torture trafficking ring.  I failed escaping those rings twice until just over the age of 44. My final escape took a year to plan and someone undercover dedicated to helping me.  As of now I have remained free for just over 6 years - hunted but free.

On October 27 2020, I had my first Zoom meeting with Chrissie at MANA, a meet and greet to see if she could help.  It was my last straw. After approximately 300 refusals of professional support, I was going to go back to the rings - it just was too hard.  But she said yes.  I have been working with Project Angel now for 3 years and 3 months now. They have helped me evade recapture, changed my name, moved me to safe places and worked to stabilise me without medications. They have given me a family, a platform for my voice and a place to help my vision come true: a home for survivors to find true healing, to not just learn to survive but thrive.

What is human torture trafficking?

Human torture trafficking : The trafficking of humans for the purpose of using them for torture.  The human trafficking industry became the biggest and fastest growing criminal network in the world in 2023, overtaking the drug industry. The lesser-known rings of torture trafficking involve over 2 million people while the overall industry involves over 9.5 million people and grows every day. 

These are just the individuals that are registered. How do I know this? Because I know where to go to find the registries.  Human trafficking is estimated at 245 billion dollars a year, which is grossly wrong.  Again knowing where to look online, it is actually a 5.8 trillion dollar industry. The torture rings are a 1.3 trillion dollar industry, and yes, that is per year.  Less than 5% of all reported cases of trafficking around the world are prosecuted.  Over 76% of all reported cases are from vicitims who have escaped on their own.

River being transported from one paying trafficker or ‘master’ to another, circa 1995. She was in this state for 3 or 4 days. This is a normal practice for transporting slaves in this industry.






Stage 1: PA HQ

In Stage 1, we are raising what is needed to purchase the perfect piece of land where the MANA team will build the Project Angel HQ, a purpose-built natural healing centre for survivors of torture trafficking to come and rest and heal for 6-12 months minimum and rehabilitate, surrounded by Nature.

Donations are super easy.

Scanning this code allows you to make a donation to PROJECT ANGEL.

All donations go directly to River and our other survivors and their life’s costs, their continued healing, rent and food. At times, flights are needed to move victims from desperate danger.

Thank you very much for your help. We encourage you to give monthly to this important project.


100% of your financial donations to Project Angel pay for accommodation, food and healing sessions for survivors at the Project Angel HQ.
