MUNAY: L2L - Jan
MUNAY: L2L - Jan
Course dates:
Module 1 : Tues 7 JAN, Tues 14 JAN, Tues 21 JAN
Module 2: Tues 28 JAN, Tues 4 FEB, Tues 11 FEB
*Two weeks break
Module 3: Tues 4 MAR, Tues 11 MAR, Tues 18 MAR
TIME ZONE: Paris 8pm, Sydney 6am, LA 11am.
Limited to 16 participants.
Weekly classes are 90 minutes long.
*N.B. Llive attendance and commitment are strongly encouraged for maximum gains and for a solid container of transformation.
*N.N.B. A minimum of 80% attendance on live lectures is required to progress to further MANA Trainings.